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scorpion control services in Tucson

Scorpion Management Guidelines For Tucson Homeowners

Scorpion Management Guidelines For Tucson Homeowners

Many Arizona homeowners know all too well that Tucson’s dry, hot climate can be an ideal place for scorpions to hunker down, but what if you’re encountering these pests on your property? Here’s what Tucson homeowners should know about scorpions, why they tend to invade homes, whether they sting, and how you can safely remove them from your property with pest control in Tucson.

What Are Scorpions?

You may have seen or heard of scorpions, but what actually are these pests? While they may not look much like spiders, scorpions are a type of arachnid with eight legs, pincers that resemble small lobster claws, and a stinger that protrudes from their tail. In Tucson, there are several different types of scorpions, but the most common kinds you’re likely to encounter include: 

Arizona Bark Scorpion

Arizona bark scorpions tend to be easier to recognize due to their longer, slimmer metasoma. They’re also one of the most venomous types of scorpions in the state, and their sting can cause painful swelling.

Arizona Stripe Tail Scorpion

Stripe tail scorpions have large, robust metasomas with a striped dorsal area. Their coloring tends to be yellow or tan, and they usually don’t grow more than three inches long. 

Arizona Giant Hairy Scorpion

This scorpion is the largest species in the country, and as the name suggests, Arizona giant hairy scorpions have dense hair growing around their bodies and metasomas. 

Yellow Ground Scorpion

While it’s easily mistaken for the bark scorpion, the yellow ground scorpion isn’t quite as venomous, and their metasomas aren’t as slim as the bark scorpions’.

It may not always be easy to identify scorpions on sight. If you have a scorpion problem or infestation, a professional like Pest Friends should be able to help with identification.

Why Scorpions Invade Homes

Nobody wants to find a scorpion in their home, but this happens all too often for Tucson homeowners. Here’s why scorpions may invade your home:

  • They like your woodpile. Scorpions like hiding underneath different things, including firewood. Wood piles that are positioned near your home can become a haven for scorpions, and if they hide well enough, they could end up accidentally carried in with the firewood.
  • They want moisture. Scorpions love dark, damp places to hide, which is why they’re attracted to homes with standing water as well as moisture or humidity issues. Basements, garages, and even closets can all become a scorpion’s next hiding spot.
  • They’re looking for food. Just like spiders, scorpions probably won’t have a lot of interest in your leftovers, but an existing pest infestation could draw them in. Scorpions need a food source and homes that are infested with insects, flies, or other bugs can provide just that.
  • They were hiding in your shoes. If you’ve ever left your shoes out to dry off in the summer, you may have been providing a scorpion with somewhere to hide. Shoes and other yard debris that may be damp or moist can attract moisture, and if you bring these items inside without inspecting them, you could also be bringing in a scorpion.

Limiting factors that attract scorpions can greatly reduce the likelihood of an infestation.

Do Scorpions Sting?

While scorpions aren’t usually aggressive, they can use the end of their tails to sting you. Most scorpions only sting when they feel threatened. For instance, if you were to accidentally put your foot in a shoe that’s housing a scorpion, you may end up with a sting. The same can happen if you accidentally step on a scorpion inside your home.

Although scorpion stings aren’t usually life-threatening, they can be extremely painful, and a sting from some species can still warrant a trip to the doctor. Bark scorpions, for instance, have more potent venom. If you believe you’ve been stung by this species, you’ll want to seek medical attention immediately.

How To Safely Remove Scorpions

Since scorpions may sting if they feel threatened or cornered, there’s really only one safe way to remove them from your home or property, and that’s by contacting us at Pest Friends. We’ve handled everything from the dangerous bark scorpion to the intimidating giant hairy scorpion, and we’ve got the experience, treatments, and gear to safely remove any scorpions you have in your Tucson home.

If you suspect you may have a scorpion on the property or even an infestation of them, there’s only one thing to do – call us today at Pest Friends to learn more about how our scorpion control services work.